Where oh where is the time going?????
Oh my! I don't know where my days go! I absolutely cannot believe that it is the very last day of September. I worry sometimes that I spend so much time planning, especially with the kids, that I'm not taking the time to enjoy the little things. That is my new resolution to myself. I am going to enjoy all those little silly moments that happen and in the blink of an eye, they are gone. I want to capture every little memory, if not with my lens, then with my mind's eye, so that I will have them forever. With every day, my family is changing. My kids are getting older, before long there will be a new one to amaze me. Life is constantly on the move, and I am going to run with it, not just prepare for it!
Here are some of my favorites from our last summer hurrah! Popsicles and the beach - it doesn't get much better than that!
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