FAB - OH! Fabulous Occasions Photography by Houston Photographer Lindsay Moore

Sunday, March 22, 2009

{groovy, baby}

Hey all you slick cats and foxy ladies out there - I thought you might dig some far out pictures from a primo cool party I had the righteous pleasure to photograph.

These aren't your old lady's pictures - they are outta sight!

Now don't wig out... to keep my people happy I am sharing but I can't share any people, ya dig? Gotta respect that - just take it easy and enjoy... (and if I get the ok I'll groove on over here and post 'em!)

 an overview of the room

canon... it's how we roll baby - me and my hubby
2 of the most amazing assistants EVER - the fab ms jill looking foxy as ever and my chill little bro
oh how i love me some details

Elvis lives!  He was a guest... elvis rocks... so do these pants
i mean seriously....  a hotel can get no cooler than this one - they have old blue eyes' mug shot in the foyer in like a 40x60 - that is wicked cool
let them eat cake!
the bands rocked the house!  Archie Bell and the Drells and the Doppelgangers

Peace signs, platform shoe aquariums & groovy candy... oh my!
these are scrumptious!  big puffy heart them...
my BRILLIANT hubby shot this... SO fab!  the perfect ending to the perfect night - and he got it - oh how i love that man...
peace love & fabulous



Blogger Victoria said...

OMG! This party looked so amazing! The pictures are colorful and fantabulous! And I would love to shoot something at ZaZa one day..it's such a funky hotel. :)

9:05 PM  

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