Coming to you live from the Moore house - it's the Lindsay and Jeremy show... LOL
A joint blog post, if you will - Jeremy is helpin me out! :)
A continuation of our Europe trip...
Guinness, anyone? This was in the Temple Bar, but we also visited the Guinness factory while in Dublin. It was pretty incredible how big this place was - and to my surprise, the guinness was quite tasty! :)
Inside the Temple Bar... we had the most yummy meal here as well as the most yummy spiked cider.
Outside the temple bar... we liked it here. LOL
LOLLOLLOLLLOLL This was on our ghostbus tour! We were inside the old Dublin city gates here and had to be silly - here we are with our good friend, Mike... we love Mike! :)
here we are in Italy... so much to explore - the history, fashion, but alas all I could focus on were pizza and cappucino - somehow we missed the pizza shots - guess we were too focused on the pizza!

in town for 4 days - what do you say about a restaurant you go to twice?!?!? props to Rachel Ray! Fire ROCKS!!!!! This is Jeremy here with his good buddy John. We had SOOOOO much fun with John and Debbie on this night... seriously SOOOO much fun!!!!!!! There was this taxi driver too that I think will always remember us! LOL **
inside our hotel lobby in Rome at the St Regis.... we loved this arrangement - the hotel was pretty snazzy too!
While we were walking in Rome we found this bridge that had the most amazing sky with the sun setting - it was a fabulous beginning to the end of our day!
Another shot from the area P.S. I love you was shot - truly what I expected of Ireland!
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! Who would have thought that Rapunzel's tower would have been set in an old graveyard?
the classic self took snapshot - we were in a bar in Rome on our last night there - right before we were sipping on some yummy italian belinis
our home for our time in Roma... the outside of the St Regis
this big crazy white marble building in Rome - it was impressive
Inside the Sistine chapel - did you know that Japan owns the copyright on it?!!? WIERD... We walked in and I was prepared to be all stealth like and ninja my way into getting at least one shot, but to our surprise they were letting people take as many pictures as they wanted... guess the Pope was not there that day. (that was Fabio's (our guide), take on it!) :)
GELATO!!!!! I had pistachio... it was yummy!!! Jeremy had coffee...
Remember that fun sunset that we spotted? I love this shot of it so much more..... taken by Mike. :)
A shot in Rome of one of the amazing buildings we came across...
John and Debbie - are they not the cutest couple!?!? Love them... hc, baby! LOLLOLLOL

That is all for now. :) 2 in 2 days?!?! woohoo!!!!!
peace, love and fabulous
lindsay & jeremy
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