{tardy pass}

ok so I am a bit late... I guess I could say I have been in denial that it is October! I cannot BELIEVE that we are already getting Halloween costumes together, that football has been in full effect and that I am even seeing a HINT of Christmas decorations. I am in shock!
I am behind in getting my holiday calendar out, and wanted to make it official on here - I am going to be doing some of the usual and then add in there some new fun stuff - there are some changes though that I need to address.
I have created a new pricing model that I am really excited about. It is a hybrid of sorts that will incorporate both digital collections as well as prints like I have always done. I have had countless requests over the years to offer digital files and so I decided that it was time. You will find the link to the guide at the end of this post and if you have any questions about any of it, please feel free to email me.
FOR ANYONE WHO HAS ALREADY SCHEDULED - you will refer to the pricing that was in effect when you scheduled your session. :)
The other thing to be aware of is that for the special holiday sessions that are listed below, you will go by the pricing as if you purchased a collection. So the wall and desk portraits will be 50% off, etc.
Sunday the 18th - Dallas State Fair
this will be SOOOOOO fabulous!
*350 goes totally toward your print purchase - no session fee*
Sunday the 25th - Woodlands mini sessions
Locations include East Shore as well as Market street.
*$350 goes totally toward your print purchase - no session fee*
Friday the 30th - Halloween Canned Food Drive
*bring 5 canned goods and receive a 10 minute session and a complimentary 5x7*
Sunday the 8th - (Kingwood) Portraits in the Park / Monkeys on a bed mini sessions
We're pullin a bed out into the woods for some fun jumpin for the kiddos after we finish with all the good portraits in the park for mom and dad - this is sure to be sooooooooo fabulous!!!!! Holiday pjs, favorite stuffed animals - it all goes!
*350 goes totally toward your print purchase - no session fee*
Tuesday the 10th - spillover date for (Kingwood) Portraits in the Park / Monkeys on a bed mini sessions
*350 goes totally toward your print purchase - no session fee*
Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th - Galveston and the Strand
Limited sessions will be available - perfect time to go down to do beach shots when hardly anyone is there.
*$425 includes 50 double sided holiday cards and a $200 print or collection credit*
Sunday the 22nd - Austin mini sessions or possibly another date in Kingwood - depending on Austin interest
*$500 for all images on disc*
Saturday the 5th - Dallas mini sessions
*$500 for all images on disc*
*Mini sessions will be up to 30 minutes in length and will include around 20 images to choose from*
All print pricing will refer to the pricing effective October 1st. That can be found at
Notice that after November 22nd, the mini sessions are for the disc only. Cards can be purchased from these sessions but no custom designs will be available.
I will be accepting full sessions until November 22nd. The only exception will be newborns or maternity sessions for the month of December and the first half of January. The studio will be closed from December 18th until January 18th. No orders will be placed during this time.
ALL print and card orders that need to be ready by December 17th MUST be placed NO LATER than December 3rd. ALL book orders that need to be ready by December 17th MUST be placed NO LATER than November 23rd.
Ok I know that is so much information, but it is all good important stuff. To break it down a bit more -
October is completely booked
November has 15 full sessions open - 1 Saturday and 2 Sundays are the only weekend days left that have any openings
And because I can't post without some shots... take a peek at some of my fabulous senior reps for the graduating class of 2010!!!!!

Many many more of these 4 gorgeous seniors to come along with 2 other gorgeous senior reps!
Peace, Love and Fabulous
Lindsay :)
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