{Enough Distractions!}
Because I cannot stand the thought that the top two posts right now contain not one Fabulous image... that must be remedied!
I must get to bed, so I am short on words tonight... Here are 2 absolutely BEAUTIFUL sisters...
oh my! black and white! i have been on such a color kick lately but i do love love love this in black and white...

oh my goodness she is just so yummy... what a doll she is in her bow and little pearl bracelet.. :0)

i really really adore this shot - LOOK at all of her gorgeous hair!!!

and stunning big sister! wowzers...

hee hee hee! peek a boo!

is that not just the sweetest happiest little smile ever?!?!?

they both have amazing blue eyes - and their cute little dresses i loved!

oh maybe my favorite... so sweet and peaceful

Peace, Love and Fabulous!
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