
That is all for now. Lots more to share... check back soon!
My brain is just kind of jello right now, so I will have a jello-like post.... one of those that is not quite solid, quite jiggly, and full of lots of fun! LOL stay with me here...
So, we are in full swing of this amazing season. I am really really jazzed about all of the awesome stuff going on. So many great images to share as well as other fun stuff, so I am pledging to blog more often! The next few months are going to be filled with so many great things - I can't wait to share them all!
First off, this announcement is long overdue, but so so many of you know already that I have a new studio! WOOHOOO!!!! It is so so so fabulous and I wish I could share some images, but I don't have it all ready JUST yet. You know that 2 week period, yeah, you know the one... THAT was supposed to be when it was all getting the finishing touches put on - it was going to be somewhat of a calm before the storm, right before crazy busy became normal - well it happened to be a storm! So, things have gotten put on the back burner a bit as we are fully entrenched in CRAZY! LOL :0) Lovin' every minute of it, though!
So, images will be following, as well as some great events we will have going on. The first is our Halloween canned food drive, which I have actually added more spots to due to the awesome response! So, if you or anyone you know would like to participate in this, call me!
Now, onto some fabulous sessions to share...
I just love this family! Remember the ones I thought belonged in a gap ad? Here they are 5 months later...
she is the cutest little thing ever!
once again... belongs in an ad :0)

i love this next series of 3... these boys were the BEST! seriously... super easy to work with!!!
and all 3 cute as can be!
makes me want another... so so fabulous... remember the shot i shared of her belly wrapped? how fun to have both side by side...
then reality sets in! this is priceless :0)

oh i love this mommy and her baby boy!
although, he isn't much of a baby anymore!

another one of my favorite little boys... he came to see me first at 9 months, and now... he is 3!!! HOW did that happen?!?!?
He was quite the ham that day! He loved my new couch. :0)
and of course, in honor of the great football from this past weekend.... the newest little Longhorn (and sporting a texas sized bow, i might add! LOVE it!)
oh wait! she might just be the newest Aggie! gotta love those split houses. :0) hee hee hee!
peace, love and fabulous
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