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Prepare for a renegade of sorts on the blog!!! Time to get some of these sessions up here!
Birthdays and Back to School!
This year, my daughter's birthday happened to fall on the day BEFORE school started! I had a hard time thinking of having a party RIGHT before school started, (i mean that is a crazy time!) but we decided to run with it and it was SO much fun!!!
I mean, seriously, what 9 year old wouldn't love to come down the stairs and see a hummer super stretch limo waiting for them and their best girl friends?!??!! ;0)
This was taken after she had calmed down!!!

She had no idea where we were going! She had so much fun and I just love her expression.

Then the first day of school came!

There is quite a sense of accomplishment to have 1/2 of your kids out the door by 8 am!!! ...but oh how I miss them being home!!!

And perhaps the craziest part of my weekend! There is a new Moore! Meet Lulu - the birthday kitty!

And for those of you who have emailed, and anyone else waiting, the holiday schedule will be posted by tomorrow evening! I have been waiting to see when *kind of a big thing* would be finished, and it is just a day away from being done, so big news is on the horizon!
Peace, Love and Fabulous!
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