{i think i can... i think i can}

Ok so I promise to dig deep and charge ahead! And keep checking back with me! It looks like I will be able to share some big news by the middle of September. :0)
I feel quite like the little engine these days. The hill is quite steep at the moment... in fact it is much more like a mountain. BUT goodness gracious I KNOW I can get to the top! (you know though, it doesn't hurt, even when you know you can do something, to still keep chanting in your head that you really do think you can do it! LOL)
The mountain in front of me is filled with editing, book designs, orders, card designs, shooting, editing, back to school shopping, shed building (don't ask), did I say editing? Oh yeah - and a HUGE project smack dab in the middle of it all that I cannot reveal just yet. It is SO BIG and I am SO EXCITED but it is going to have to be announced in due time. It just happens to be one of the biggest, most fabulous things that has ever happened to Fabulous Occasions!!! So, yeah, I think it is safe to say it's no hill I'm climbin!
BUT that is OK! In fact it is better than ok, it is fabulous! I am incredibly blessed with amazing clients, a bigger than life supportive husband, a support system that could hold up a sky scraper, and 4 babies who don't care if my to do list gets done or not - they love me "past the sky" - so all is good!
Needless to say, if you are waiting on me, just give me a bit more time - I'm getting there!
Here are 2 cuties to share!
This little guy is such the little ladies man! He is always a joy to get to work with!
and new baby sister... this image is just - well - i big puffy heart this image!!! :0)
look at her posing already for me! LOL love it!

peace, love and fabulous
Can't we have a sneak peak at our little shoot???? Please!!!! :-)
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