{random fabulous~ness}

There are some words that are just fun... like random. I don't know - it is just striking me as a fun word today. Maybe it is lack of sleep, I don't know. But for some reason I like it today, so therefore my post has an appropriate name!
So some randomness for you from this week...
I should never play bunko... NEVER! If you want to win, then play with me, because I lose - BADLY! I have played once now, and I have to say I am hanging up my dice! LOL
I am listening to a new cd that I picked up in Austin at Waterloo records with my super fabulous hubby after eating at the most amazing restaurant EVER for our anniversary back in July. (how is that for a crazy sentence!) It is by Haley Bonar - never heard of her but for some reason that night she sounded just fabulous to me and now she is gracing my Itunes.
(see I told you this is random)
My head hit the pillow at 3am... I was having yummy coffee at 1am... the season is in full swing
My little one has 2 staples in the back of his head - not office supplies - the medical type - and all he said when getting them in was "ouch"
I somehow have in my mind that it is cold outside.... it just looks cold to me
Now for some random images.... :0) In random order :0)
oohhhh love this! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!!

TWINS!!! In their coziness...
They were the BEST babies EVER!!! Slept like champs!

{sigh} pregnancy is such an amazing thing... can you believe that the little guy in this beautiful belly weighed in at 9 pounds 1 ounce?!?!? WOW! He is coming to see me within days!! I cannot wait...

love it love it love it 'nuf said

the color in this is just fabulous!
hee hee hee!!! I have pictures of my 3 year old in this hat when he was about this age... some of my favorites!!!
same age... but a girl! both of these guys were SO much fun!!!
so sweet...
a wonderful way to end...
Have a most fabulous wednesday!!! And enjoy all of your random fabulous~ness!!!
peace, love and fabulous
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