{the first one says "oh my it's getting late!"}

That was fun! Now back to editing... before I turn into a pumpkin!!! :0)
...5 little pumpkins.... do you know the one? My 3 year old is learning the 5 little pumpkins verse and I just love it! It is my third time now to recite it over - and over - and over again - and it just doesn't get old. ahhhhh... it is fall!
Thought I would pop on and blog a bit to break up the editing frenzy that is happening!
The canned food drive was SO AWESOME!!!! I cannot wait to share all the little witches, monsters, firemen, princesses, astronauts ~ and the list goes on ~ that came through my door! I have a PILE of food to take to the food bank and cannot wait to load up the kids and take it over! We filled up all the spots and even had to turn some away, so watch for it again next year!
Now, let's jump in to some really really fabulous stuff...
first off, one of my favorite little girls... that belongs to one of my favorite families! she was just a few days old when she first came to see me, now she is 2! i can hardly believe it...

and she is cute as can be!!!!
i love her expression here
and here!
oh but my favorite...

another baby planner! we always have SUCH a good time! i could talk to his mommy forever... this shot just makes me smile
we had a little fun that day with some hats!
hee hee hee! TOO CUTE!!!
oh my gosh... next up - a most super fabulous newborn session!
yes, friends, she is on a harley
I SERIOUSLY need an outtake with this shot of all of us making it happen... LOVE LOVE IT

snuggled up with a sweet angel grin

gotta love those eyes and especially at such a teensy age!
so sweet

now onto a 1 year old!
these next 2 are kinda backwards - and I am SLEEPY - so just scroll back up! LOL he just learned to walk so I just love these together!
sidewalk chalk is just fabulous

so is this...
he seriously has the most gorgeous eye lashes I have EVER seen! and my kids have gorgeous eye lashes, but HIS were AMAZING!!!
oh love it!

oh love this one too! gotta love overalls on little boys...
*grin* one final cutie pie smile!
peace, love and fabulous
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