I have been so crazed that there hasn't even been time for lunch some days, much less sneak peeks! As many of you know, I just returned from a MUCH needed fantastic vacation with my incredible hubby. I have barely gotten a chance to look at the pictures, but will be sharing some when I get the opportunity. It was fun to just be shooting for me, but it is also good to get back to normal. I missed seeing all those little faces coming through the door!
For now, I wanted to share some recent favorites.
Another thought is that if you know you want an appointment for this summer, you need
to book it soon. I have 4 Saturdays open and 3 Sundays open for the
entire summer. There are scattered appointments here and there on a
couple other days, but that is it, so get in touch soon if you want
to book something.
So... here are some of my friends... some new faces... some
old faces... but all FABULOUS faces!

Something new... night sessions! Oh we had so much fun. This is a super fun senior from the class of 2007! I wish you so much success, B!
And this cutie pie is so sweet! Happy Anniversary mom and dad! :) All smiles Mr. D! He and his sister were such a joy...

OH MY GOODNESS! That was a bunch!
Until next time...