{Hello out there!}
It is a safe bet that anyone who wants to find me won't have a hard time! If I am not in mom taxi mode, and not in line at Starbuck's, then you can bet that I am either behind the camera or in front of the computer. That has been the drill now for some time. I do have to say, that while I love what I do, I am REALLY looking forward to having some time to just, well, do whatever! That sounds marvelous! But, I am still shooting, I am still editing, and I am still ordering. So, for now, if you want to find me you know where I will be. In a few weeks, however, GOOD LUCK! :0)
I did want to pop on and share a few. I can't possibly blog everyone, even though I would LOVE to! I have had some fabulous sessions here lately!!! I can't wait until January when I can update my site with all sorts of fun stuff! Oh wait... that puts me back at my computer now doesn't it! hmmmmm.....
First some beach sessions....
One of the very first "fabulous" families! LOVE these guys!

1 super cute santa outfit + a rainy gloomy beach day + 1 so so sweet cutie pie = FABULOUS!

I love it when parents go all crazy behind me. I've mentioned that before. I get to see them in a reflection on the back of my camera... always makes me smile! BUT I love even more when I see this...

This is such a loving family... I just adore them and think they need about 4 more! :0)

Now let's switch gears! This was the very first frame!

And then this a bit later!!!! Don't you just LOVE little bitty new babies... I have had a LOT coming around here lately! Love it!

I love how the light falls here. Simply Fabulous!

That is all for now. I'll try to check in more often. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful start to your holiday season! I'm loving all of the decorations and music and smells! This is absolutely the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy it with those that you love and treasure every moment with them!
Have a great Tuesday!!!
Lindsay :0)
It is a safe bet that anyone who wants to find me won't have a hard time! If I am not in mom taxi mode, and not in line at Starbuck's, then you can bet that I am either behind the camera or in front of the computer. That has been the drill now for some time. I do have to say, that while I love what I do, I am REALLY looking forward to having some time to just, well, do whatever! That sounds marvelous! But, I am still shooting, I am still editing, and I am still ordering. So, for now, if you want to find me you know where I will be. In a few weeks, however, GOOD LUCK! :0)
I did want to pop on and share a few. I can't possibly blog everyone, even though I would LOVE to! I have had some fabulous sessions here lately!!! I can't wait until January when I can update my site with all sorts of fun stuff! Oh wait... that puts me back at my computer now doesn't it! hmmmmm.....
First some beach sessions....
One of the very first "fabulous" families! LOVE these guys!
1 super cute santa outfit + a rainy gloomy beach day + 1 so so sweet cutie pie = FABULOUS!
I love it when parents go all crazy behind me. I've mentioned that before. I get to see them in a reflection on the back of my camera... always makes me smile! BUT I love even more when I see this...
This is such a loving family... I just adore them and think they need about 4 more! :0)
Now let's switch gears! This was the very first frame!

And then this a bit later!!!! Don't you just LOVE little bitty new babies... I have had a LOT coming around here lately! Love it!

I love how the light falls here. Simply Fabulous!

That is all for now. I'll try to check in more often. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful start to your holiday season! I'm loving all of the decorations and music and smells! This is absolutely the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy it with those that you love and treasure every moment with them!
Have a great Tuesday!!!
Lindsay :0)