{the importance of a *snapshot*}

Go get your camera, it doesn't matter what kind - it doesn't matter how many megapixels it has - it could be a disposable one - just get it - and take the pictures that will tell the story of your life - you will be glad that you did.
We all do it... I hear it all the time - I *should* be taking pictures - or I *wish* I had gone to get my camera...
I am incredibly fortunate to get to have the ability to have my kids pictures done any time I would like. I hear it all the time... I bet you have a ton of pictures of your own kids - or gosh, how lucky you are to be able to take your own kid's pictures all the time. I do have amazing images of my own children, but the reality of it all is, that like that old saying "the painter's house is never painted" - the photographer's children are rarely photographed.
I do have to say, that after the events that took place over this past week, that statement, my friends, will no longer be the case in *this* photographer's house. I want my kids to be able to go through albums (or boxes if need be) of images and to see a chronicle of their lives. I want them to see how crazy they are, how amazingly sweet they are, and definitely how loved they are - I want the boxes to be heavily weighted with the "imperfect" snapshot. For in those snapshots will be the true story of their life.
My grandfather passed away unexpectedly on January 8th, 2009.
I was able to be with him and my grandmother during those last hours and it is something I will never ever forget. He was an amazing man - one that books should be written about. I could go on and on about his kindness, his love for football, his great sense of humor, his ability to make friends everywhere he went, his love for his family... did I mention how much he loved football?
I had the pleasure of living with my grandparents while I was growing up, and they helped to shape me into who I am today. I will miss him more than I can even begin to tell you, but I will continue to celebrate his life and teach my children the lessons that he instilled in me. He will live on... I will see to that.
I stumbled upon these snapshots today. They are absolutely, without a doubt, priceless. These are the last images I have of my family with my grandfather. They were taken on our way out of town. We were there visiting for many days and I had so many other sessions while I was there that I didn't feel like getting the camera out while we were just all together.
They are, without a doubt, not perfect by a photographer's standards, but to me, they are the most perfect portraits ever.

peace, love and fabulous my friends