{I love love}

and now the slideshow that i promised... for some reason i cannot embed the code, so i am going to post this link - just click on it and it will take you to the perfect place you need to be in to check it out! :)
I L O V E weddings - like as in big puffy heart them - they are so my thang! :) (ok i am a texan - i might not ride a horse but i can certainly pull off a texas draw when i need to! LOL)
And my weekends have been consumed with them lately! I am in the height of wedding season, and while the day after may not exactly be a cakewalk (especially when i think i am super woman and schedule multiple sessions the next day - um yeah - talk about tired) - the day of is such an adrenaline rush and I just love it!
I am going to try to blog a slideshow of each of them, but for now, this is one I just got up online this past weekend. I couldn't help but smile while I was editing these images. The bride and groom are so in love and were so full of excitement - makes my job so easy! :)
I'll share a few images, too, for those of you that might be checking on an iphone or somethin like that so you won't feel totally left out. :)
Here we go... *this kind of got a bit out of control - what started out as a simple slideshow post turned into a beast of one. :) I don't suppose anyone will mind much *
i love it when we get to go jump on beds! :)

lindsay "so, Jeremy - peppers or strawberries"
jeremy "both!"
the result - brilliant

ice on ice - L O V E it!
such a well dressed, gorgeous wedding party!!!

STORM the camera! LOL

inside the limo is always a good spot!

right after the ceremony... i adore the looks on their faces
and here - look how excited they are - *sigh*
it doesn't get much better than this shot - FABULOUS
this is one of my all time favorites!
this is why i do what i do - to capture moments like this - seriously - i love my job

i love me some fish eye

cutie pie

right before getting ready to walk down the aisle - i love these moments

a nice relaxed groom :)

one of the bridals that i have been SOOOOOO wanting to share!

what a nice spot for a gorgeous gown

um hello this is stunning
anyone that will climb up on a china cabinet is golden in my world!!!
i big puffy heart this ceiling in this location - it is fabulous

:) :) :)

and the perfect one to end with - a fabulous favorite
peace love and fabulous