{lost and somewhat confused}

About my blog, that is! I have totally lost track of who I have blogged, who I haven't - these past few months are a b l u r to me... So I thought I would pick a senior that I had sooooo much fun with! I think I will just have to do another update of the site, because there is no way in the world I will be able to catch up on here. So go browse there sometime when you are having your favorite beverage of choice and enjoy some good fabulosity! :)
On another note, it is officially summer around here! All kids home and currently keeping themselves very happy with the wii - thus the blog post. :) So, I will be working this summer, but will not be working as much so I can spend lots of time with my cuties. (they can't play video games all the time, right?!?!) If you want to book for the summer, I have some availability, but not much, so get with me soon.
Here we go... *as I was uploading these my kiddos have decided the wii is not what they want to do and are now begging me to watch their talent show - how can I turn down THAT invitation?!?! - so no words today... just fab images of this beauty!*
peace, love and fabulous
lindsay :0)