{coming soon.....}
Oh I have so many things up my sleeve at the current moment my sleeve is just about to bust!
School starts on Monday, as many of you know, and with the school year is going to come lots of new fabulous things around here. This is the first year I will have ALL 4 in school somewhere!!!!! WOOHOO! (but then i get sad.... go ahead and say it like most of you have already to me - time for another one LOL) and NO that is not what I have up my sleeve....
Here is just a little teensy tiny look at what I have in store... let's just say there are some fabulous family occasions coming to a photographer *eh hem* near you. :)
*OH!* if you are brave enough to go get your war gear on and swim through the crowds this weekend - I will be at the Woodlands mall at their kids fest! My booth is right by the elevator by JCPenney - be sure to stop by! :)
peace love and (yes) fabulous
lindsay :)