It has been a while, hasn't it?!?!? I didn't realize how long until I peeked at the blog to see just how behind I am. It has been a whirlwind, my friends! After I last blogged I had that super fun event that is coming up in a blog post (just not this one.. sorry!), then I had 2 of my boy's birthdays, 2 of my daughter's dance competitions, quite a number of sessions all in between, and then I just happened to fit in a trip to Vegas to the largest photography convention out there! Yes, you can say I have been a bit busy.
So, just wanted to stop by and tell you all that I am here and trying to catch up. I am pumped about all that March is going to bring with it. Lots of spring cleaning going on - but not the kind that uses any cleaning products. :0) The plane ride home from Vegas was filled with lots of decision making and strategizing and man, was it good! Nothing like an inspiring trip to get you goin!
Since this is really just to assure you all that I am still kickin it here in Kingwood.... here are a couple of silly ones....

That is all for now..... I will be back soon. Promise not to wait another 19 days! :) :) :)
It has been a while, hasn't it?!?!? I didn't realize how long until I peeked at the blog to see just how behind I am. It has been a whirlwind, my friends! After I last blogged I had that super fun event that is coming up in a blog post (just not this one.. sorry!), then I had 2 of my boy's birthdays, 2 of my daughter's dance competitions, quite a number of sessions all in between, and then I just happened to fit in a trip to Vegas to the largest photography convention out there! Yes, you can say I have been a bit busy.
So, just wanted to stop by and tell you all that I am here and trying to catch up. I am pumped about all that March is going to bring with it. Lots of spring cleaning going on - but not the kind that uses any cleaning products. :0) The plane ride home from Vegas was filled with lots of decision making and strategizing and man, was it good! Nothing like an inspiring trip to get you goin!
Since this is really just to assure you all that I am still kickin it here in Kingwood.... here are a couple of silly ones....
this first one taken by my little brother (you have visited his site, right?) www.blakeadam.com Do you even recognize me???!?!?

What about here? This one taken by my brilliant hubby - and the attitude is all comin from the outfit, my friends. Maybe I should wear gogo boots to all of my shoots? LOL NOT (that was very 80s of me, wasn't it? or was it 90s?)

And one normal one taken in Vegas at Craftsteak - we truly had the best time. Fabulous Occasions's own Jill (who many of you have met, and if you haven't - you will soon) and her husband Mike accompanied us on our Vegas jaunt and we had a ball. We decided to take our own, non-orange, pictures at dinner - so Mike hooked us up with this one. ;0)

Peace, Love and Fabulous