Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
One year... it seems like such a long time, but then when you turn around and look back - it - is - just - gone. A year goes by in the blink of an eye. I see mommies coming in with their gorgeous pregnant bellies, then in no time at all they have a beautiful little new baby to bring to me... (2 within the next few days, too! FUN!!! - have i told you i love newborns?)
THEN we turn around and these new babies are having their first birthday.... it just isn't fair - can someone please slow down the clock? please????
Here are a couple of 1 year old cuties that I got to see recently...
this one just has to make you grin...
big sis got in on the action!
oh i love this one - so sweet
now i big puffy heart this image... can't you just hear him? i do have to say it makes me sad for him that he is so sad, but i happen to know that a hat will do him no harm, so we can smile at his frustration because it is so darn cute

this one makes me giggle
SUCH a great family!
his parents have an amazing sense of style!
and he is a fabulous little handsome guy!
peace love and fabulous my friends
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
{10:11 pm}
I don't think that I can go to bed at 10:11pm... it just doesn't sound right - maybe I am delirious, but oh well, I thought I would share another fab session while I go further down the sleepiness hole.
And an engagement session at that! I love engagement sessions... maybe because the couples that I have had the pleasure to work with are just amazing... maybe because we get to get really creative which I just L O V E.... or maybe because they lead up to weddings! (which happen to be, without a doubt, one of my fave things!) Did you know that I used to want to be a wedding coordinator? Funny.... I actually end up being the coordinator at many of my weddings AND I get to photograph them... I got it made in the shade on that one... ;0)
The next person who sees me and casually in conversation works in that last phrase gets super cool bonus points with me! (and maybe a little somethin fun in your next order) :0)
A gorgeous couple who are just so in love... did I mention to you how much I love engagements?

love this

a very important part!

what is it with me and bathroom walls? ;0)

doesn't she have the most STUNNING eyes?!?!?

jeremy's favorite - i do love it as well - there is something about eyes being closed that is so beautiful - so poetic - so vulnerable

but then these are the eyes that are hidden - simply beautiful

peace love and fabulous my friends
Anyone have any toothpicks? My eyes are drooping a bit and I have a pile in front of me... I thought if I came on here it would wake me up a bit. hmmm not working - maybe it should be an early night tonight.
This season has been so fun - I am loving seeing everyone.
Thought I would share a beautiful family I had the pleasure of photographing... their Christmas card is GORGEOUS! Maybe I will have a whole card palooza after the holidays and share!
Here we go... I will let the images speak for themselves tonight, I am thinking the drooping eyes are winning...

peace, love and fabulous
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So my super powers are starting to dwindle... one more post before my eyes close tightly...
you know the baby on the splash page that is so angelic... here she is now - still angelic
hee hee hee
this just makes me laugh... love it!
peace love and fabulous
{happy candy corn}

:0) So I am not to Thanksgiving YET - so I can still share these ghosts and goblins, right? (while Christmas music is playing on my itunes... LOL)
Short on words... still multi tasking!!!
a quick mommy snap of my 4.... a dancing zombie cheerleader, batman, a robot, and a certified organic banana :0) they brought home a bounty my friends!

snow white
fancy nancy
lion - i have to give kudos to his sweet mom - she MADE this!
clowns... another mommy award - these 2 clowns were made by their sweet mommy!
little witch
double the trouble! monsters
itty bitty dalmation
peace love and fabulous