{Banana Pancakes} 

No, I am not eating banana pancakes... No, I did not photograph banana pancakes... BUT I did listen to the song while I was proofing this little fabulous cutie pie's images! So often, I will sit and proof like a robot.. no music, no nothin... but then I turn on Itunes and it is like a whole new world! I love how much music can just totally turn a photograph into so much more of an emotional experience than it is already! Lately I have been listening to One Republic, Rob Thomas and Jack Johnson... with the occasional Colbie Caillat and Feist making an appearance!
So.... when I look at these 2 pictures I think of wonderful banana pancakes and total joy!
heehee! Isn't she just so great...
Her gorgeous mommy! I love it when I get asked to take pictures of the mommy and babies... That is something that your children will cherish forever! So often we are so hard on ourselves and don't want to be in pictures... I am guilty of this!!! Years and years and years from now our children will not care how we looked... they will be so happy that we took the time to actually document that time in our lives. We will not get these moments back!
So here is a good recipe for a Wednesday evening... after dinner, go turn on your favorite tunes... turn them up! And dance... everyone in the family... even those silly pre teens that want nothing to do with that... even the daddies... Let it fill you and your family with joy * then do it again tomorrow!
Happy day!